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Advisory Board

Sarah Forbes

Curator & Author



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Dubbed a “sexpert supreme” by Cosmopolitan Magazine, for more than a decade, Sarah served as the Curator of the Museum of Sex for 12 years, cultivating a wealth of experiences for her first book and memoir, "Sex in the Museum: My Unlikely Career At New York's Most Provocative Museum". A story teller through objects, She has had the unique pleasure of being an "Indiana Jones" of sex, and a featured expert everywhere from the New York Times to The Today Show. With a graduate degree in Anthropology, as a sexual culturalist — someone who studies sexuality from a socio-cultural-historical perspective — she has created both content and strategy for those who recognise a better understanding of sex, sexuality, and identity are often critical domains for the success of cultural institutions and corporations alike.In 2011, she began working with a range of start-ups. cultural organisations, publications, websites and production companies interested in engaging their audiences with an intelligent, accessible, and creative approach to content creation. With this background, she is also an expert for Motherly Media as well as a member of the Sexual Misconduct Board for Summit, which designs experiences that connect and inspire a community of today's brightest leaders.She is currently working on her second book, Mama Sex, an anthropological investigation of motherhood and sexuality.

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