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What is Endometriosis?



Endometriosis isn’t cured by getting pregnant

There may be a brief reprieve of symptoms during pregnancy, but they may return once the menstrual cycle starts up again.


A common symptom is infertility, so this myth is particularly harmful.

It's not only cis women who get endometriosis

Anyone born with a uterus can get endometriosis - that includes trans men, non binary people and intersex people.


There are even cases of cis men and people with penises having endometriosis.

Endometriosis isn't a “career women’s disease”

It used to be believed that endometriosis was most prevalent in women who didn’t have children or had children later in life.


This was a convenient way to pressure women into having children earlier, deny access to contraception and discourage them from advancing in their careers and financial independence.

You can get endometriosis at any age

Teenagers can get endometriosis.


The idea that it doesn’t start until your 20s or 30s is likely due to the long time it takes to get a diagnosis.

The pill may reduce symptoms but it won’t get rid of endometriosis.

The pill isn’t a cure

Hysterectomy isn’t a cure

Hysterectomy isn’t a cure

Because endometriosis occurs outside the uterus, removing the uterus may not cure it.

It’s not just white women who get endometriosis

Because endometriosis has historically been believed to be more common in wealthy women stressed by ‘modern life’, it was assumed to be more common in white women. However, studies show Asian women are most likely to be diagnosed with the disease. It is unclear exactly if racial disparities exist due to how difficult it is to get a diagnosis.

The idea that it was a white woman’s disease was a useful tool for white supremacy to engage in eugenics and attempt to control the birth rate by pressuring white women into having more children.

Endometriosis doesn't stop at menopause

Menopause doesn’t necessarily mean the end of symptoms. The scarring and inflammation from years of this chronic illness may have long-lasting effects on the body. But symptoms usually lessen after menopause.


Sometimes the disease can happen after menopause - about 2.5% of patients are postmenopausal. This usually happens as a result of HRT. How HRT affects patients who already have endometriosis is unclear.

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